Book Announcement: FIGHT!

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Posted by David on March 1, 2023


Greetings, all,

I'm thrilled to announce FIGHT!, my book on the history of fighting games. Here's my tweet about the book.

As you should expect from my books about video games, FIGHT! will go far beyond fighting game franchises like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. I'll be interviewing pro players, developers, pundits such as journalists and podcasters, and more to write about the culture of the "FGC," or fighting game community. That means tournaments, the history of franchises, the arcade scene and transition to consoles and online play, and more. 

The most exciting part of this project for me is getting to work with Sam, the founder of Bitmap Books. If you love video games--and even better, books about video games!--and you're unfamiliar with Bitmap's library, do yourself a favor and check out some of their publications. Every book is beautifully crafted with tons of media (screenshots, artwork, and more) to complement the insightful and entertaining prose of each author.

I'll share more details here and on Twitter @davidlcraddock as I have them. The release date is up in the air (ready to be on the receiving end of a juggle combo!), but we’re shooting for 2025.

Happy reading,


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