Read a chapter from the next Shacknews Long Read

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Posted by David on September 25, 2020


Hi, all,

I've fallen behind on blogging because of a heavy work schedule. One of my projects is Bet on Black: How Microsoft and Xbox Changed Popular Culture, a Shacknews Long Read on Microsoft's long history in gaming, a history that started out rocky and didn't solidify until the success of Xbox 360. Bet on Black will be available this November. Ahead of that, I published a full chapter on Shacknews.

The chapter, "Never Forget," follows a few developers on the original Xbox team as they traveled in and around the country during 9/11. The terrorist attack changed the course of American and world history and no one old enough to remember it will forget where they were and what they were doing when the news reached them. I was fortunate enough to be on my way to morning classes at Kent State University, Stark campus, far from where thousands lost their lives in NYC. Several developers at Microsoft were much closer to events.

You can read "Never Forget" now, and I hope you'll look forward to Bet on Black in November. I'm passionate about all my projects, but "BOB" has proven one of my most ambitious works. When I write about the history of video games, I aim to tell stories that have never been told, and/or to offer fresh perspectives on well-known narratives. With Bet on Black, I believe I'll accomplish both.

I hope you're all safe and healthy. Happy reading,



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