Kirkus review of THE DUMPSTER CLUB: A "Remarkable Story"
Image Not Found.Kirkus, one of the most respected literary publications in the industry, wrote an excellent and touching review of THE DUMPSTER CLUB, my young adult novel published in August (which feels like 10 years ago). You can read the review here, although it does contain minor spoilers. If you insist on going into stories fresh and are interested in reading THE DUMPSTER CLUB, I'd finish the book before reading the review.
I've culled a spoiler-free excerpt from the review to share on social media and the book's Amazon store page. That excerpt is: "Craddock’s coming-of-age novel stars an appealing, believably flawed protagonist. A remarkable story of adolescence with convincing characters and a bit of mystery."
THE DUMPSTER CLUB is available on Kindle for $2.99, or in paperback for $19.95.