Coverage for "Rocket Jump"

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Posted by David on March 4, 2018


Hi, all,

Last month I announced the crowdfunding campaign for Rocket Jump: Quake and the Golden Age of First-Person Shooters on Unbound. The campaign will run for 90 days and has been moving at a good clip. Now that we're just shy of a month into the campaign, I wanted to recap coverage so that readers who follow my blog could find all the podcasts, articles, and other media in one place.

Well, two places. The first place you should look for updates is Rocket Jump's project page on Unbound. If you've backed the book but haven't bookmarked the project page, please do so! Supporters will receive an email when I publish an update, but keep the project page handy to review pledge tiers and read excerpts.

I published several promotional tweets during the first two weeks of coverage. This tweet shows a sketch from a slipgate in Quake E1M1 (episode 1, mission 1) courtesy of John Romero. On another occasion I shared a flowchart of Quake's penultimate level layout, also courtesy of John Romero.

Speaking of Mr. Romero, he kindly agreed to take part in promotion by signing copies of Rocket Jump at the SUPER COLLECTOR pledge tier! Anyone who pledges at this tier will receive John's and my autographs, as well as a digital copy of one of Rocket Jump's early drafts complete with author annotations and, very likely, all the crazy typos, grammatical errors, and factual inaccuracies that were tidied up prior to publication.

On February 16, the day the campaign launched, I swung by Reddit's IAMA and Quake sub-channels to answer reader questions. Also on day one, I announced the Unbound campaign on Shacknews, the birthplace of Rocket Jump.

I've spent the last several weeks lining up promotional coverage on various podcasts and websites. Retro Hour, a UK-based podcast, hosted me this past week and asked excellent questions. Gaming historian Matt Barton graciously brought me back to his Matt Chat show to talk about the book this past Friday.

Thank you for supporting Rocket Jump. I hope you've enjoyed coverage so far. If you haven't pledged to the campaign, or if you want to share information about the book with a friend, head on over to the book's project page on Unbound.




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